- “Another Go at Language Design”
- 5 tips for your HTML5 games – kinda-transcript
- Almost all E-Mail validation algorithms are wrong
- Anyone programming and/or interested in C++: Very interesting and good talk.
- Apache 2.2 – Alternatives to Mod Rewrite
- Borderless Window in Java
- Browsershots – Screenshot your Websites
- Building x64 with Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express
- bzr fast-export git fast-import
- C# Audio Library
- Canvas Element
- changing author names in git repositories
- Coding in Bubbles
- Coding with instant response/effect
- Cookie Session-Stealing
- Correctly embedding SVG Images in HTML via object
- Creative, Frontend and Backend
- CSS Backward compatibility
- CSS clearfix
- css float elements, div or whatever
- CSS transitions – wanna use
- Database Diagram Modeling – DBDesigner4
- Debugging ET:Legacy and SDL for an access violation
- Developing on Free, Open Source Software
- Die Warsow Entwicklung – Fehler in der Organisation
- Eclipse CDT vs JDT (C++ vs Java)
- Eclipse Runtime Binary – the bare eclipse IDE install
- Extern: C++ complexity and usability
- Extern: Securely Storing Passwords – You want to salt your hashing!
- Firefox Profiles – The Mozilla Profile Manager
- Fixing noixacl dropping all multigroups and permissions
- Fossil – Distributed Version Control, Bug-Tracking and Wiki
- generating a single css/js file from several
- Git Ignore And Attribute Files Performance
- Git vs SVN in sizes – checkout or clone?
- Golang – The Go Programming Language – Awesome
- GTranslate 1.1
- How to decide on a programming language
- HTML(5) – How to use code and pre, and cite, q and blockquote tags
- IE 9 faster but wrong JavaScript
- IE6 no more!
- Installing xDebug for PHP on Windows
- Java Puzzlers
- Javascript NES Emulator
- Javascript Skills from jQuery Source
- Javascript Snippet: Accessing global variables from document namespace in a jetpack
- Javascript snippet: location.href
- Jetpack Addons for Firefox !
- JS
- License to read JavaDoc
- Like being trolled?
- Link to: Building Web Applications With Apache Ant
- Loading Google Adsense Ads After Page Loading – At The End
- Mantis – View Trackers Anonymously (without login)
- Markup languages
- Mumble PHP Interface – Update to 0.3.6
- Mumble Viewer – JavaScript Viewer (Update: Works Nicely)
- MumPI 2.2.0 released – Ice 3.4 compatibility, Channel Viewer Protocol, BanList
- MumPI 2.2.1 released
- MumPI 2.2.2 release – Changelog
- MumPI 2.2.3 released
- MumPI now Ice 3.4 compatible
- MumPI status update
- MumPI updated – user comments and avatars – thoughts about Ice 3.4 compatibility
- MView has its own repository now
- Native Look and Feel with Java Swing
- NodeJS Alternatives - Deno and Bun
- On CSS optimization, SASS and CSS frameworks / resetters
- On FOSS projects and future
- OpenID vs OAuth
- Overgrowth – Videogame with details that make it unique
- Packaging – How to compress for release packages?
- Phabricator – A rare labeling of “best software”
- PHP – sucks
- PHP und nun Java – Bestimmte Zahl -> Fatal Error
- Python dependency hell
- Read-Tipps
- Release Names Confuse And Do Not Help
- rest.go Renamed to rest2go
- Running Apache with multiple PHP fcgis
- Selenium – Awesome Web-Testing
- Setting up Cobertura Java Code-Coverage with Netbeans
- Softwaredevelopers – Are you a Gardener or an Engineer?
- some more MumPI work done – works with Mumble 1.2.2 icesecret context now
- Talk: Greg Wilson on evidence based reasoning in software development
- The most important things of Software Development
- The use of a blog?
- The WPF/Windows App Development experience – Part 1: Choice of Technology
- The WPF/Windows App Development experience – Part 2: WPF Touch
- to URL-friendly converter
- Über „Freemium” Bepreisung bei onStartups
- Unlimited Details: Endlich Lebenszeichen und neues Bildmaterial
- Using bzr with an svn repository
- Using Git on Windows Commandline
- Using git with an svn repository
- Version Control By Example – Free e- and Book
- Visual Studio Express 64 bit compilation [x64]
- W3Schools – Don’t use it
- Wizard Framework for Java
- WordPress 2.8 released
- Workflow with Git and Code-Review and Continuous Integration
- World of Goo – hidden profile file and parsing data
- You are NOT a Software Engineer!