PHP – Zend Coding-Style
- no closing tags (?>) on PHP-only files (to prevent accidental header sends)
- indentation 4 spaces
- line length 80 chars soft limit, 120 chars hard limit
- Line endings LF
- Class names: Capitalized_Words_Only_first_Char_Pdf
- abstract class: Capitalized_Words_Only_first_Char_PdfAbstract (Abstract added, without an underscore)
- Interface naming: Capitalized_Words_Only_first_Char_PdfInterface (Interface added, without an underscore)
- Filenames: alphanumeric characters, underscores, and the dash character ("-") are permitted; no spaces (eg. Zend/View/Helper/FormRadio.php)
- functions: camelCase(), numbers allowed but to be avoided, no underscores
- variables: $camelCase, numbers allowed but to be avoided, no underscores
- private and protected: prepend an underscore ($_camelCase)
- constants: ALL_CAPSULATED_WORDS seperated by underscores, numbers allowed
- global constants (via define()) discouraged
- PHP code always between <?php and ?> (exception omitted ?>, see above)
- the 'single quotes' over "double quotes", double quotes (") for readability
- multiline strings with dot (.) under the assignment operator (=)
- variable substitution "text $var text" or "text {$var} text"
- string concatenation with dots with a space before and after ('str' . 'str2')
- space after comma, like, this
- multiline array declarations: indent next line to begin where the declaration of prior line begins (after opening paranthesis ()
- or put decl. start at next line and indent. closing parenthesis on the level of first line
- multiline associate arrays