UML Modeling Software

NOTE: This was written in 2012 and may be outdated.

The result of my looking out for an IDE again – comparing free alternatives to my previous and commercial favourite.

StarUML is free software, and very rich in features. It allows you to export to XMI. Features code generation and reverse engineering of C++, C# and Java code. The coloring/design of the diagrams is not beautiful, but does it’s job.

Modelio is free software. Seems to support class, object, use case and deployment diagram types. Eclipse-based.

Dia is free software, but only supports class diagrams - amongst other, non-UML diagram types. Installers are available at

My previous and still favourite commercial UML modeller is Visual Paradigm UML, which is offering a “community edition” for personal use free of charge.

I use the commercial product Enterprise Architect at work, but always found Visual Paradigm easier to navigate and use. However, EA does provide a big feature set as well.