Spiritfarer®: Farewell Edition Review


An atmospheric, at times very slow paced exploration, resource farming and construction game. The relationships between characters start out in a great, caring and close way but become less meaningful if not meaningless in the second half of the game.

For the following list pros are marked with +, neutral with *, negatives with -.

+ Great graphics
+ Great atmosphere
+ Good if not great sound design and music
+ Starts with great exploration of relationships to other characters (at least in the first enjoyable half)
+ Good, fast paced character movement and platforming
+ Good amount of content, varying world and progression
+ You can hug characters and your cat
+ Calm atmosphere with fishing, cooking, talking, hugging, farming, weaving, and more
* Should have provided more convenience and clarity, better UX (e.g. in navigation map, and some quest descriptions)
* 28 hour playthrough, all characters completed
- Too much grinding for resources
- Backtracking
- At times unclear quests/targets/where to go to
- Searching what you had found before
- One to two very dislikable characters you have to "work" and somewhat care for

Ultimately, the grinding made me care less. Overall it was too slow, maybe too much. I absolutely still enjoyed interacting with one lovable of the three last characters, But one I completely ignored until I had to tackle his quests, and that one and another I never cared for the dialogue, only skimming it if not outright read the quest summary afterwards.

Having played the demo a while back I had very high hopes. Ultimately they were not met, and a few things definitely were bothersome and sometimes annoying. Nonetheless a very good game with definite high points.

If you can see past the flaws, or do not mind what bothered me, this is definitely a very interesting game.

Originally posted as a Steam Review