Incredible Mandy Review

Not Recommended

Incredible Mandy has a nice visual style, nice effects, and good gameplay basics, but ultimately lacks polish in multiple areas that would make it consistently fun.

Positives are marked with +, neutrals with *, and negatives with -.

+ Nice visual style
+ Nice visual effects
* Very basic/bare-bone level design
- Sluggish, slow character controls, basically no air control
- Some bad level design choices and issues (being able to get stuck if you don't trickjump around barrier, unclear paths, unnecessary falling of the edge)
- Aiming with mouse is not consistent, possibly buggy when trying to aim far up
- The tutorial text boxes spoil puzzles
- Sometimes tedious to execute puzzles
- Sometimes unclear path
- Character and puzzle elements are slow windup, slow wind-down, making it incredibly frustrating to try and perform precise interactions
- Chest opening is slow; a try at giving rewarding reveals, but ultimately fails to do so
- Confirm message box with jump key also makes you jump (instead of just closing the dialog)
- No good default Steam Controller configuration (I did switch to mouse eventually because aiming was a necessity)

I have a feeling the numerous pain points made even some not too bad things feel worse. (Like the robot you have to guide through.)

After half an hour it started to just be frustrating and annoying and I gave up.

Originally posted as a Steam Review