Cubic Color Review

Not Recommended

Very simple game that is random to the point where your skill with the game becomes secondary. There is no content besides the very basic clear random blocks with a random color to a generic pop sound.

The color changing seems to be completely random which makes planning of block clearance and clear strikes randomly not executable. The block flashes for 200ms in the color it will switch to; that is all the warning and feedback you get.

At first it seems most efficient to just move left and right all the time, and just let the randomness factor work itself. With how random it is and how little control you have, how can you be more efficient than that?

But it seems like if you're quick on reflexes and input handling you can be more efficient, working with the block placements and the brief flashing warning you of the color change and upcoming color. But for such a simple game, is that even worth it. It holds no longlevity besides the ssteam leaderboards.

There's a bug where you fall through, no blocks get cleared, and it's instantly game over. Happens just like that. About 50% of the few rounds I played it happened at some point - effecively ending the round where I was.

Originally posted as a Steam Review