Wattam Review

Not Recommended

Sooo slooow. Continuous spoon feeding. Disruptive annoyances/cutscenes overshadow any cuteness and happiness the visuals and animations try to establish.

+ Cute characters
+ Great variance
+ Positive/Colorful atmosphere
* Playthrough ~3h
* Stylistic face is confusing; nose looks like a mouth leading to repeated misreading
* Activities are pretty basic; driven by the humorous, cute, and varied characters
* Some of the interactions seemed bad to control
- Pretty much every activity is introduced, filled, and concluded with cutscenes disrupting gameplay
- Character animation, speech bubbles, and subtitles often mismatch due do intertwining states
- Character selecting works bad at best (specifically in the 3D world)

listed positives with +, neutrals with *, negatives with -

When you’re already annoyed, control gets taken away yet again, and four characters say and do the same thing one after the other, each for 3 or 4 seconds; I don’t get it what they were going for. It seems pretentious and forceful, with no regard for interactive game design, or any mindfulness on . Maybe others don’t experience it this bad. But to me, through disruption, taking control away, and spoon feeding, it was an annoying experience through and through.

I like absurd, colorful, happy worlds, but any setup this had for it with cute charaters, animations and interactions was completely negated with the 80% of the time waiting and getting annoyed. Too bad. A less restrictive, less forceful approach would have made this game a lot better.

Originally posted as a Steam Review