Donut County Review


Donut County gives you mostly what you can expect from the trailer: In every level swallowing items to grow and swallow more items. The heavy focus on story was surprising to me. It’s somewhat annoying if you just want to play casually, but also establishes a charming world and absurd and witty storyline.

I played through the story in 80-90 minutes, and another 30-50 minutes for 100% achievements. The achievements are fair and even the secret ones discoverable for the most part.

The slow growing, lack of swallow options, and strict routine/laid out path can be somewhat unfortunate. The game triggering object state on specific progress is sometimes if not often irritating; when during the transition or a particularly slow transition you are already below an object but it does not move yet, and suddenly static objects becoming dynamic.

There is quite a bit of dialog. Unfortunately not voiced, and even the pseudo voice does not differ in tone between characters. Looking for a casual experience I was surprised and at times somewhat annoyed about (story-pointless/joke) dialog.

Those are relatively small issues though. The world is charming, the characters witty and interesting in their world, and the mechanic works as advertised, although strictly along the outlaid gameplay and story path. The visuals, sounds and music are charming.

Originally posted as a Steam Review