Fractal Review

Not Recommended

Very underwhelming to me.

The visuals are nice, the gameplay idea somewhat interesting.
But the implementation of motion controllers seems to be an afterthought.

Menu items need to be pressed for a long duration in the style of look-to-activate navigation, which is unnecessarily slow with no gain.
The enemy indicators are very much centered in the view area unfitting to the generally much wider view angle you have in the VR headset, and they seem to be 2D only. As a result the indicators are not only helpful in finding enemies, but also very confusing where the enemies are, or which ones you already prepared counter measures for.

With enemies coming in very slow and out of reach, you set up counter measures, and go to the next one. But suddenly you get confused which enemies are new. The indicators completely break spacial awareness of enemies.
They are necessary for effective play though, as enemies come from all sides and angles.

The progression in the first level is very slow.

The combination of this made me lose interest and have no desire to continue.
Now seeing this is still in early access, hopefully these things will be improved upon and make Fractal more worthwhile and fun.

Originally posted as a Steam Review