Pizza Synthwave Review

Not Recommended

Even for a free game Pizza Synthwave is severely lacking.

Level two requires you to use the climb mechanic, which is never mentioned. I found it in the controls.

Level two has two obstacles unavoidable at random, and in the middle and end of the level. So fail at random (more likely than not because it rotates), wait to fall because no quick reset, and then start from the beginning.

* Floaty air control
* Mechanics: Sprint, Double Jump, Dash (to a full stop), Climb
- No quick reset
- No explanation of or introduction to climb mechanic (blocker in level 2)
- Obstacles unavoidable at random
- Looking up/Climbing has view-blocking model-part you never get to see (obstacle without gain - it's not immersion if you never get introduced to what the black shadow is)

/edit: A forum post says/claims F10 to reset was introduced. It was not listed in the controls or otherwise disclosed in-game.

/edit: Apparently I missed the introduction of climb mechanics because I jumped past that in level 1 (skipping most of the level). So it's there, but the level design allows you to skip it, even accidentally.

Originally posted as a Steam Review