Fashion Police Squad Review
Not Recommended
+ Good, over-the-top humor
* Story with text-only dialogue
- Too much mixed enemy variety with need for dedicated, necessary weaponry and skills (quickly became too much)
Personally, I disliked the text-only dialogue, and the the variety and necessary weapon and skill management, remembering, and swapping quickly became cumbersome and annoying - and even more so after not playing for a while, you have to remember again or try and re-learn.
* Story with text-only dialogue
- Too much mixed enemy variety with need for dedicated, necessary weaponry and skills (quickly became too much)
Personally, I disliked the text-only dialogue, and the the variety and necessary weapon and skill management, remembering, and swapping quickly became cumbersome and annoying - and even more so after not playing for a while, you have to remember again or try and re-learn.