Vivy: Fluorite Eye`s Song

Rating: 10

Vivy: Fluorite Eye`s Song is amazing, incredible, a masterpiece of a series.

There’s so much great and interesting about the series, and such good directing, it’s difficult to concisely describe or summarize.

The setting of conscious and semi-autonomous AI and questions that arise from them are super interesting and deep thought out.

The story from an AI perspective is super interesting, because it puts you into and raises questions of and about a different understanding of time, of life, of purpose.

It raises questions consciousness, of the blurred line of where humans and humanity stands while next to artificually created consciousness that closes in on the natural and inherent complexity and possibilities of it.

The consequences are questions of control, of safety, of ethics, of conflict, of possible futures.

Screenshot of Vivy

In the future, watering plants will be easier: