Saga of Tanja the Evil

Saga of Tanja the Evil is a well executed isekai into an alternative world war 1 setting with significant depth in character and direction.
With the second rewatch, I am increasing my rating - from good to great (7->9/10). While it’s not necessarily thoroughly enjoyable, I feld the direction and depth to be that great. And writing down the following summation with a lot of praise made me decide on 9 rather than 8.
Setting "spoilers"
The protagonist as an unempathic sociopath makes for a distinct, fresh, and well-explorable setting. Putting the protagonist into an indirect fight against god puts a spanning theme across the series. Putting them, as a dominant personality and commander into the body of a small young girl makes for some great absurdity with great directional hinting of subtle confusion, irritation, and situational humor.The world war 1 setting is well represented and presented, with great depth. The series shows the gruesomeness of war, war theatre, as well as normalization, put down concerns. Multiple scenes show the randomness and powerlessness of people in war (specifically as cannonfodder for the main actors and superiors).
The variance between nations approaches, cultures, and landscapes provides various settings, progression, and variance in happenings.
Season 1: Great; OVA Pasta: Good; Movie: Very good; Season 2 has been announced