Using Windows 7

Well, I’m using Win7 for some time now, and it works without major problems.

I did disable the collapsing of program windows in the taskbar, created a quickstart block again for the programs I use absolutely every day and display all taskbar-icons.

What I still don’t like:

  • When the taskbar-icons are to be hidden, the default is to always hide them.

    There’s no hide them on inactivity anymore, so you’ll have to make those you want to be displayed always display in a complicated (circuitous) way.

    With an easy system, this would not be much of an issue, but you’ll have to do it for quite some (at least I do) and that way is fucked up and not easy or intuitive at all.

  • Righclicking a window-selector-block in the taskbar, you won’t be able to just go above the block and click, you’ll have to move a bit, aim and click.

    Not as fast as it was in Windows XP.

    Win7 Taskbar Rightclick

  • Your System partition will be managed via permissions.

    One thing that annoys me there:

    The Programs Folders seem to be pretty restrictive and it seems that that is creating issues with some programs, more questions,

    and if you wanna add full access for your account you’ll have to do it for every program folder because you can for the programs folder itself.

    Annoying. Probably more secure, but annoying.

    I’m already thinking about leaving at least some programs on another partition. And that after I finally have enough space for programs on my system partition.

  • My KvIRCs scrollbars are fucked up and too narrow width-wise.

    I’ll have to look for a good, free alternative. Or make my own…

Steam now runs as a service, at it did tell me by itself it would need to install a service to work properly.

Pretty cool and interesting approach.

So issues so far after that.