Importing Music Ratings into Clementine

I have been pretty happy using AIMP as my music player of choice for quite some time now. Seeing how many likes Clementine now has on alternativeto, I decided to give it a go (again).

It actually looks really good and has some really interesting features that made me think about a switch or at least trying it for a longer time. For this, I obviously wanted to migrate my song ratings from the AIMP2 library to Clementine.

Although importing ratings is not directly possible, it can be done through a simple workaround:

  1. In your previous player, make a playlist of all 5-star ratings
  2. Save that playlist as an m3u8 playlist file
  3. In Clementine, clear your playlist, and then File -> Open the playlist file
  4. Select all songs (CTRL+A) and give it a rating
  5. Proceed to do the same for the other (less-star) ratings

If you don’t see the rating stars in Clementine, right-click the playlist column titles and select Ratings to be displayed.clementine-ratings